Rocand Tablet
Active Ingredients
Iron, Cupper, Zinc, Vitamin B12, Folic acid, Viamin B6, Vitamin C
Iron (Ferric pyrophosphate)
Ferric pyrophosphate is an Iron coordination entity composed from Fe(3+) cations and diphosphate(-4).
Ferric pyrophosphate is an iron replacement product.
Free iron presents several side effects as it can catalyze free radical formation and lipid peroxidation as well as the presence of interactions of iron in plasma.
The ferric ion is strongly complexed by pyrophosphate.
It presents an increasing interest as this insoluble form can be milder in the gastrointestinal tract and present higher bioavailability.
Ferric pyrophosphate is intended to be indicated for the treatment of iron loss or iron deficiency as a formulation with a milder gastrointestinal effect
The usage of ferric pyrophosphate is based on the strong complex formation between these two species.
Besides, the capacity of pyrophosphate to trigger iron removal from transferrin, enhance iron transfer from transferrin to ferritin and promote iron exchange between transferrin molecules.
These properties make it a very suitable compound for iron deficiency anemia
Folic acid
Folic acid is a B vitamin that helps your body make red blood cells.
What are the complications of folate-deficiency anemia?
Folate-deficiency anemia during pregnancy may cause a neural tube defect.
This is when the brain or spinal cord doesn’t develop normally.
It can cause death before or soon after birth. Or it may cause paralysis of the legs.
Zinc is the co-factor of several enzymes that are needed for red blood cell , and plays a role in iron metabolism, so zinc deficiency is associated with IDA.
Boost immune system
Required for normal growth and tissue repair
Vitamin B12
This vitamin is essential in the production of healthy red blood cells.
For the body to properly absorb vitamin B12, In pernicious anemia, the immune system turns on itself and destroys the stomach cells that produce intrinsic factor. B12 cannot be absorbed, and anemia develops
Vitamin C
Vitamin C, an excellent reducing agent, aids in increasing absorbable ferrous iron in iron deficiency anemia.
Studies have demonstrated that iron absorption can be increased 1.5-10 fold as a consequence of consuming orange juice with a meal (up to the maximum daily recommended dose of vitamin C for the individual).
Vitamin C may also be involved in the transfer of iron into the blood, as well as mobilizing it from iron stores.